Go to fill out your info and click on IR Starter


At the bottom of the registration page, make sure it says, You are being referred by If not, contact me and we can get that fixed.  

Please note these RULES:

Important guidelines - please read before registering!

1. Only one account is allowed per user, per household and per internet connection. Using public internet connections like a library's, a workplace, etc is not allowed. Avoid using PUBLIC Wi-Fi connections as well or your account may be put on hold and require documentation before you start getting paid (this includes your phone).               Home WIFI is fine

2. Prepaid/gift cards are not allowed to be used on any offer on our website. You must have a valid credit card or bank issued debit card to participate in any offer. Using a prepaid or gift card is considered FRAUD and will result in your account being closed.

3. Only participate in offers you have an interest in and be sure to give their product or service an honest try. The purpose of our website is to connect advertisers with valid leads. Signing up for an offer you have no interest in is FRAUD and will result in your account being closed.

Once Registration is complete you will do as many trial offers that add up to 1.00 credit usually 1-2 offers..

If an offer says maxed for the day please note they renew between midnight and 1am. 

Now once you have completed 1.00 credit value offer the screen will look like this:

Please note the instant credit offers can take up to 6 hours to show up.
If it has not shown by then, you must complete a Missing Credit request. 
Instructions can be found on your support page after logging in to your IR STARTER account.   

You will now have a page that looks like this: 

Write down your referral link, and then move on to Step 2 INSTANT REWARDS 60

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